Monday, April 19, 2010

My to-do list


I've read somewhere that setting up a to-do list is one of the best way to save ur time, and i'm really run out of my time right now, that's why this post's here (and everywhere else i can post that i'm not forgetting to do those things)

Some trivials xD
1, Set up a to-do list yay, i've made it now. In fact, this list is something i planned to do long ago
2, Arrange my HDD. It's really in a chaos now
3, Pre-order some mangas. Cant stand going to buy them every week
4, Work out member's color of my fav bands now it's done for kisumai, i suddenly realized it after watching a livestage, and i notice their costumes had different colors

And really important stuffs
1, I must learn to make sub as soon as possible. why does fansubbers always make sub of clips that i've already had the whole show *cry*
2, Make some banners, avatars and icons for my dear LJ and blogspot as well as editing their layouts
3, Make a summary of all the posts containing things i wanna download, or i will soon forget to dl them
4, And may be, i should find a part-time job so that i can buy JE stuffs i want or leave it later, now i'm too busy

Things i wanna learn
1, Japanese...something out of question. I'm dying to learn it, but mom doesn't support me
2, Judo. Dont know why but i want to
3, Learn by heart certain choreography of songs i love <3
4, One kind of musical instrument *guitar or flute, may be?*
5, France, Russian, Italian, Portuguese. Dont know what's for, but i love getting to know foreign languages.

uhm, must update this. i think i'm forgetting something


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